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The ExecutionEngine class extends the TraceableEngine class, inheriting traceability features and adding contextual execution capabilities.


Importing the Class

import { ExecutionEngine } from "execution-engine";

Creating an Instance

To create an instance of ExecutionEngine, use the constructor:

const execution = new ExecutionEngine();

The constructor supports a custom options argument for initialization, allowing you to specify the execution date, ID, and an initial trace.

const executionWithOptions = new ExecutionEngine({
  executionDate: new Date(),
  executionId: "customId",
  initialTrace: [] // Initial trace can be provided to continue tracing based on it

The initialTrace parameter is a JSON trace for initializing tracing. It lets you start from a predefined state instead of an empty trace, facilitating the continuation of tracing based on the provided data.

Method Chaining

The class supports method chaining, allowing you to perform a sequence of operations fluently. Here’s an example demonstrating method chaining:

const execution = new ExecutionEngine()
  .setContext({ user: { name: 'John' } })
  .updateContext({ user: { age: 25, gender: 'male' } })
  .updateContextAttribute('user', { additionalInfo: 'some info' })
  .setContext({ tag: 'example' });

const finalContext = execution.getContext();

Context Management

You can manage the context using methods like setContext, getContext, updateContext, and updateContextAttribute. These methods allow you to set, retrieve, and update the execution context.



constructor(options?: ExecutionEngineOptions)

Creates an instance of ExecutionEngine.


setContext(value: CXT): ExecutionEngine

Sets the context of the execution.

Returns the updated instance of ExecutionEngine.

getContext(): CXT

Gets the context of the execution.

Returns the context object.

updateContext(partialContext: Partial<CXT>): ExecutionEngine

Updates the context of the execution with partial information.

Returns the updated instance of ExecutionEngine.

updateContextAttribute<K extends keyof CXT>(key: K, partialContextAttribute: CXT[K]): ExecutionEngine

Updates a specific attribute of the context object.

Returns the updated instance of ExecutionEngine.

Additional Information

TraceableEngine Integration

The ExecutionEngine class extends the TraceableEngine class, inheriting methods for managing the execution trace. This integration provides a complete picture of the execution flow, including contextual information.

Note: This documentation is a basic overview. For detailed information on each method’s parameters and return types, refer to the TypeScript source code.